
Monday, 26 March 2012


Hófehér sirályok
A sötétkék ég alatt
Szabadon szárnyalnak
Csapongva rád várnak
Táncot jár a hajnal
Ébredésre vár a kék
Szerelmet köpköd
Ruhádra az éj
Világot kíván szemed
Színe halvány
Virágra bomlik
Szerda éjszakán
Rád nevet
Minden oly
E márciusi
Fakóra szétpárlott
Harmatot, kedveset
Rád terít, elringat
Minden rezgése
Az esős mézízű lehelet
Magával ragad
Vergődve feloldódsz
A reggeli napsugár melegén
Kényszerűl megpihensz
Végleg elvesztél
A fény leplén
Szó nélkül

Sunday, 25 March 2012

A lifelong moment

Present all over the universe,
Eternal prisoner of the infinity,
Owning the world for a serene moment,
For the rest of the lifetime
Lost in its well-known stability,
Perceiving the hours
As they slowly pass by,
Capturing them in a instant
That has never been mine,
Visualising the fire
That burns me,
As if it was real,
Destroying the world,
The colourful Phoenix,
Eyes and feathers
Crying in the flames,
Culminating in a second
Of eternal peace,
The ashes of its being,
The evaporated tears
Revived it once again,
So that it can fly into the Sun,
It can become the heat and the light
At the zenith of its life.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


I eradicated it freely
It is not black
It is not white
Now all is just empty
The echoes are blind
It left disappointment
It left sadness
It took the colours
It took the smiles
There is no shape
Without the lines
It devoured my words
It devoured my voice
I became deaf
I became mute
The inner voice
Let me down
It let the light go out
Of the eyes.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Monster and the Indifference

Afraid of your hatred
You gave the Monster
Pretentious indifference
Greater than vanity
Or childish curiosity
Her ugliness did not scare you off
It made you indifferent
The hairy mosaics of her face
Became air in your eyes
About her distorted figure
You could not care less
You made it transparent
With a single heartbeat
With an intense glance
She cut her heart out
To clean and then revive it
While you were standing there uninterested
Looking into the translucency of the air
Burning without smoke
The immaterial essence annihilated
Captured in the infiniteness
Of the impassive universe
Until the light irrevocably went out
Of the Monster's eyes.

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Flow into
They reflect
In the Universe.
They create
Thoughts are
I am afraid
Of the Words.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Letting go II

After an eternal sleepless night
Morose faces
On the road
Burying themselves
In the moor of
Their blind hearts.

The early morning brings
Brilliant shivers in the air
The open blue sky
Showing its smile
Red, orange, yellow, brown
Painting rainbow colours
On your tired eyelids
Making you fly high'
Breathing in the short
Moments of sunshine
Warming you from the inside
Overwhelming every echo
Strengthening you,
Preparing you
To let go of
Your fears
Take a deep dive
You are now free of the illusions

You are alive.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Reális gondolkodásnak,
Önvédelmi pajzsnak,
Birtoklási vágynak?
Szakadék vagy boltíves híd
Hol a határ?
Van-e határ?
A megérzések és a legőszíntébb
vágyak árnyalatai között.
Álomvilág vagy sugallat
Hadd döntsem el!
Ésszel vagy lélekkel?
Tudatos leplen
Hová utazol vándor?
A csendes fény fele
vagy a képzelgés
Mámoros mezejére?
Hogy döntsem el,
Ha a belső hang
Síri csöndbe burkolózva
Dadául beszél?
Ha megteszem, ha nem teszem
Kockát vetek mindképpen
Féltve őrzött illúziót
Vagy mélyre ágyazódott félelmeket.
Meddig odázzam még őket?
Amíg a tudat hatalma
Teljes köddé morzsolja mindazt,
Ami az isteni szikrából
A kincstárban rejtve maradt?

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Beköltöztem a szobádba.
Nem vetted észre.
Örültél, hogy látsz,
Nevetésed átzenélte
A tompa lámpa fényét,
Boldog voltam egy pillanatra.

De nem tudtam hazudni neked
Botor módjára bevallottam,
Hogy hol van minden játéknak rejteke
Így elijesztettelek téged.
Butának lenni nem erény
Újra akarom játszani ezt a részt.

Kedvesség, mosoly,
A fontos eseményekre
Idegenként is hivatalos vagyok.
Igazán szerettek
Vagy nem akarjátok, hogy
A családi esemény e pizsama jelenlétébe
Fulljon bele?

Minden édes bizonytalanságra
Két nap harmata telik
Míg az ijedt szemű visszaút
Újra elém áll
Rám parancsol,
Élesen tartva
A tervezett menetirányt.

Hisz ez saját álomképek sora...
Minden porszemnyi büszkeség
A teljes ego megsemmisüléséig
Az utolsó könnycsepp kicsordulásától
Tágra zárt szemekkel
Hadd könyörögjek neked
Napsütötte esős valóságban
Úgysem teszem meg soha
Túl elemi részéve vált
Arcomnak a maszk
Éberen, ha már felkelt a nap
Nem alázkodom meg
Nem hagy az álarc
Sem az agy
Sem egyetlen tudatos gondolat.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Dunce's cap

Glowing eyes
Already covering her
With black shroud.

Poor child, they think,
Exposing herself
Wearing her heart
On her sleeve
She should have learnt it by now
Honesty has a unique price
It transforms you into
The object of derision
On every occasion.

Curious light in her eyes
Glittering like tiny diamonds
Repelling the squared darkness
For it is unable to leave
the strangling reality behind.

The illusion of colours
Is the echo of the light
She can look behind the shadows
That keeps her alive.

The pain of the squared blackness
Pierces its fingers
Deep into her purulent wound
Pushing her close to breaking down
Trying her again and again.

Doubt eating part of the soul
Its teeth have grown too sharp
The wound might not heal so fast.

Finding the hardly existent
Inner path
Leading her along
Pusillanimity, devils, temptations
The precarious milestones
Of her own life
Forcing her to practice
And remain defiant
Living with the gloving eyes
Always watching her,
Ready to stab her in the back.

What they are ignorant of, however,
Is the shield of the soldier
No matter how hard they try
The weapons of the world
Are unable to hurt her
To perforate the armour
To reach the core of
Her heart.

Saturday, 3 March 2012


I let you float
Away from me
So you can be the air,
The warm wind
Stroking everyone's faces
With a gentle eternal smile
I let you sail
Away from me
On a teardrop river
Flowing from past lives
Towards nonexistent harbours
Of illusions and angst
I let you fade away
After the fountain of the soul
Had dried up
God in one moment
Then thrown back to the ragged
Surface of sensations
The almighty mind in charge
Replaced by the vulnerability
Of the invisible layers of the heart
Flying high'
Sensing every movement of pleasure
With sharp eagle eyes
Diving deep'
Waves clashing above the head
Strong walls of the mind breaking down
Like a house of cards
The straight reality of physical forms
Dissolving in illogical perception
Of the frenzied imagination
In a Stranger's eyes.